The Edge Of Nowhere!

I'm not going to tell it like it happened, I'm going to tell it like I remember it.
-- Charles Dickens --

"Back Issues"
Ancient Journal: Cave Painting
Livin' A Lie

1969 to 1996
Extremely Abridged

January to September
October to New Years Eve

Grown-Up Christmas List


January: New Years Day to the 13th, 15th to the 18th,
19th to the 23rd, 23rd to the 26th,
26th to the 28th, 29th to the 31st.


February: 1st to the 2nd, 3rd to the 4th, 5th to the 6th,
7th to the 9th, 11th to the 16th,
16th to the 19th, 21st to the 28th.

March: 3rd to the 15th, 19th to the 31st.

April: 1st to the 2nd - 4th to the 13th - 14th to the 23rd - 26th to the 30th.

May: 1st to the 13th - 15th to the 22nd - 27th.

Ancient Journal: Hyrogplyphs
Present Journal: Notebook
June: 1st to the 10th - Military Views
12th to the 17th 22nd to the 30th.

True Colors

July: 3rd to the 11th - 15th to the 27th.

August: 1st to the 10th - 13th to the 27th
The Mickey Weekend.

September: 7th to the 15th - 17th to the 27th.

October: 2nd to the 30th.

November: 4th to the 28th.

Dont Save It All For Christmas Day

December: 3rd - 10th - 16th - 17th - 19th - 31st.

January: 16th - 22nd.

Feburary: 13th.

March: 6th - 14th - 22nd.

April: 23rd.

Letter From a Network Censor

May: 1st - 14th and 18th.

Present Journal: Cray Super Computer