DC Comics cancelled The Ray, my favorite comic book charicter. I only read a few comics these days (mostly STAR WARS), so I'm hoping to get a little help spotting The Ray. If you've seen him lately, let me know, or if you know he is going to be in an issue of something coming up, please, drop me a line and let me know. | |
To add insult to injury, they gave his powers to the Blue Superman, the Red Superman, Strange Visitor, and the Tangent Flash and maybe a few more, who knows. They even had The Ray show up to show the Blue Superman how to use his new powers, then Superman took on The Ray's form for a frame (rub it in why don't they). | |
Just picked up the latest issue (March 2000) of "SECRET FILES & ORIGINS GUIDE TO DCU 2000" to find that The Ray appears in a short (3 page) story in the back entitled "Higher Learning"!!! |
I just spotted The Ray on the cover of JLA #41 comming out March 29th. If he actually appears inside the issue or not I dont know. But at least DC is finally using him again!!!! :) | | |
There is more stuff on the way! Oh, and if you are Surfing-The-Web sometime and happen to find a picture or a webpage of The Ray, I'd love to know about it. Feel free to E-mail me!
This is an unofficial Ray fan-site and not affiliated with DC Comics or Warner Brothers or Fleer in any way.
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