August 1st already?
Not much to report.
I talked to Chris on the phone the other day. His voice didn't surprise me much, it was pretty much how I imagined it, except for the accent. I don't know why I didn't put an accent to it before. Oh well. It was fun to listen to him (not as much fun as it is to listen to Mickey of course (Not a good sign, barely into the 5th sentence and I already mentioned Mickey)). Luckily I watched several episodes of "Red Dwarf" earlier this week, so I was used to listening to English accents. :)
Speaking of Chris. I wasn't going to announce my birthday and see who all remembered, but Chris went ahead and ruined that, *G* so I guess I might as well talk about it. Yes, I turn 29 on the 6th. Ugh! 1 away from 30! I remember when 30 was old (yesterday now that I think about it). Oh, to be 3 again (an only child, just me, mom, grandma and grandpa, living on the farm). Well now that I think about it, it did have it's drawbacks (no money, one TV station, no internet, no STAR WARS, not to mention the cutest guy I knew of was a cartoon, and Mickey was just a funny mouse. How did I ever survive).
I haven't got any plans for my birthday yet. S will be working, as will mom. So it looks like grandma and I'll catch a movie and pizza. Yippy! Sounds like a regular day off. Oh well, if that's all that happens, it'll be much better than a few of my birthdays in the past.
One year we went up in the mountains to go swimming, and we got into a watermelon rind fight, with me being the only target. That was fun. Not!
I do get 5 days off that week though. My usual 3 days off, and then O. Bart is coming down on the 7th and 8th, so I got those days off too. Then I work 2 more days and get the regular 3 off next week. That'll be nice for a change. After last week (with an extra day and two of them 8 hour days) I'm ready for a little break.
And while were on the subject of last week, me and the bosses son never did get together. He had relatives in town all week. At the party (which was "western" themed), he wore an Native American costume and a blue dress?!? Later that night when asked why he wore that, he replied that he wasn't about to wear that "faggy-looking hat" he almost wore. *giggle* Says the guy in a dress. *shakes his head*
And what was my costume you ask? Well since I was doing dishes and helping to cook all night, and I haven't got anything "western" looking, I didn't dress up. If anyone asked me why not, I told them I was dressed "Pacific North Western" or dressed as a "displaced time traveler". :)
Oh, almost forgot. The Ewok font I was talking about a while back? The one I sent in the info for someone else to font. Well it's finished. The @ symbol is even my logo (I even made an animated gif for the opening page out of it). So now when ever anyone downloads the STAR WARS Ewok font off the net, my name and logo is attached to it! Cool huh? My favorite movies, my favorite creatures from it, and my name is on it! I'll make it available from my STAR WARS page soon.
Tuesday, August 5th
YESTERDAY: S, Sand dunes, shopping, a movie in the theater, pizza, then movies on tv. Almost a perfect day.
First off we found out that were both so outta shape that the real dunes did us in in just 20 minutes. :) Oh well. All it is is a bunch of sand and sun and wind anyway.
Next, shopping in the touristy shops. I swear every store we went into had something Mickey in it. She ended up buying a dictionary and candy, and I got some more "Peppermint Stick Jelly Bellys" (jelly beans).
Then off to the movie. The Negotiators. Saw it last week. Was good the second time too.
Next Pizza!! She sat the wrong direction. At least 4 cute guys were in the other direction the whole time we were there (unfortunately high school aged, but still cute). It's so cool to be able to talk about movies and actually discuss the cute guys in them. During the previews at the movie, she was squeaking every time Wesley Snipes came on and I was oohing every time Stephen Dorff came on. That's so much fun!
After dinner we went to my house cause I rented "The Power Of One" movie for her since she had just read my copy of the book and she was anxious to see the movie. Well she had one hour sleep the previous night and fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I thought she was a little quite all of a sudden, I just figured it was for the same reason as me (Stephen Dorff). *G*
So after the movie was over I loaded her up in the car to take her home, figuring she was tired enough It would be an early night after all. *giggle* Yeah right. We still talked till 4am.
TODAY: The only plans are to go grocery shopping. Whoo hoo!
TOMMOROW (the 6th - my birthday): Wanna help me blow out my candles? Click here! Can you believe my grandma actually bought this card for one of her friends? *giggle*
Thanks guys for making this one kick ass 8 months!
Thursday, August 6th, My Birthday - Readings
My card for last year (from my last birthday to this one) was the Four of Clubs:
The Four of Clubs is the card of mental satisfaction and stability. Whenever this card appears, you can bet that you will experience some mental peace for a while. Any sort of mental occupation you may be involved in will benefit from this stabilizing and practical influence.
This is a good time to make plans for the future since you are thinking clearer than ever. This card brings organizational ability and the ability to achieve a solid foundation of knowledge about a particular subject. Just watch out for a tendency towards fixed mental attitudes that might alienate you from others.
My card for this year (from this birthday to the next) is the Jack of Hearts:
The Jack of Hearts is known as the 'Christ Card', or the 'Card of Spiritual Sacrifice'. Whenever it is present, you will feel and be encouraged to elevate your thinking, speaking and acting to a higher level. You may also decide to make some sort of personal sacrifice when this influence is present. This would likely be for the sake of someone younger than yourself though it can take other forms. The period position will delineate the exact nature of the sacrifice you feel impelled to make.
In any case, this card does bring a strong dose of higher, spiritual love into our lives and will encourage us to do things from a higher motive than usual.
Monday, August 10th - 3 days in August
The 6th - My b-day.
My mood; I'm in a weird one. I'm not really enthusiastic about anything right now. I think it's mostly to do with lack of sleep and over doing it at work and off work. I'm not depressed, it's almost like I'm not emotional about anything right now. Numb comes to mind.
I got my present from Chris the day of my birthday. Thanks Chris! It's a black T-shirt with a embroidered rainbow flag on it. My first thought was "where am I gonna where this?" *EG* Then several places and situations came to mind. I'm thinking a trip to Eugene is in order. Visit my dad and ex-girlfriend while I'm there and then swing by the comic book shop. S said she'd love to go on that trip with me. :)
I also picked up my new glasses on my birthday too. I forgot how it feels to get new glasses. You have to adjust to them. Things look different. Closer things look closer and things that are far away look farther away. Plus the headache from the glasses doesn't help my mood any.
My mom decided to take me clothes shopping for my birthday. She wanted to get me some Tye- dye T-shirts. *wrinkles nose* I kept telling her I have to many shirts as it is and the only Tye-dye shirts I like are STAR WARS, and I have a cool animal one. I haven't seen any others I liked. Well it finally sunk in and she opted for dinner and a haircut (which is one of her best haircuts she's given me yet BTW).
We went to Izzy's for dinner so we could get the all you can eat. We pigged out. I was so stuffed, and then we had desert. Then, let me repeat, Then we remembered Grandma was at home making birthday cake. Ugh!
My mom had already bought me two things for my birthday. One was a cool blue glass Mickey cup that has stars on it and Mickey Mouse hanging from the moon by one hand. It's my new fave. I miss Mickey though. Oh well, he comes back to my time zone tomorrow! *dances around the room* Okay, maybe I'm enthusiastic about one thing. *giggle*
And the other thing my mom got me for my birthday was a card. The same card my grandma got for a friend, that I scanned and linked to above! *G*
Cake was almost painful to eat. For a change, Grandma was the only one to finish her piece of cake.
And then I went to bed. And that was my birthday.
The 7th - The day after: my first day as 29.
I went to the post office to see if I got any more of the presents that are on the way. Alas, nothing but a bill and a postcard. I thought "Who sent me a post card?" Then I saw it was addressed to "Hey *Mickey's pet name for me*."My heart leapt. *giggle* (God I'm pathetic.) He's got such cool handwriting, for some reason it looks cute to me. *BG* I told him I liked his capital "D's" and now he's self-conscious about them. *EG* He does "th" cool too. He sent it on 7/30 and it just got here, but it was still very cool. Thanks Mickey!
So Bart showed up and we got him settled in his room and then decided to go rent a movie. The lesbian waitresses girlfriend got our movie for us. I told Bart that was who she was after we got to the car.
Next, dinner. We went to this nice place on the bayfront in Newport. As we walked in, one of the busboys or waiters walked by and Bart made some negative comment about his goatee. I thought it looked nice. Course it reminded me of Mickey. *G* The food was good, and the view good (and not just the cute busboys). And we got serenaded by seals the whole time. They were lounging on the dock out front of the restaurant.
Back to his room to watch the movie we rented. I don't remember the name of the movie, but it was cute. I especially liked the part where they called there psychic friend and her machine said she couldn't come to the phone cause she was "outta body". :)
After the movie got over, Bart snuggle up to my for a few seconds. Interesting. I wasn't sure what to do with my hands though. But other than that, I didn't over analyze it and it didn't really freak me out at all.
The 8th - One of the Mysteries of life finally answered!
My uncle was here this weekend too, so I got awakened at 8:30. I laid in bed till around 9 then took my shower, avoiding contact with my uncle as long as possible. Then I ate breakfast (cause Bart doesn't eat breakfast) and went down to Bart's so we could go up to the Tillamook Cheese Factory.
When I got to his room, he was already awake and playing with the laptop he brought with him. He finished up and after a hug, we got in the car and headed for Tillamook. I had heard that the drive was 4 hours, but we made it up there in about 2 and a half despite slow traffic the whole way.
We found the Cheese Factory, and went through the self guided tour. We both figured it would be a lot bigger, but it wasn't at all. One of the Mystery of Life did get answered though. You know when you buy a loaf of cheese and there's a thin layer of cheese on top that you can sometimes peel off? I always wondered why that was there. Well they put that there if the loaf is to light. So now you know.
After that life altering tour, we got some Ice Cream. I had Apple Pie Ice Cream, he had Black Cherry I think. And we set off to find a beach, which you would think would be easy on the coast. Like S told me last night, just go west.
After some driving around, we did find a cool beach on a peninsula and we started walking. After a while, Bart asked me what the perfect guy (to me) is. Well I've tried to write a "Mr. Right" page for this site a few times, but I always go back to finish it and start to laugh and wonder what I was thinking when I wrote that. I mean there are some things that I find attractive, like red hair, the way a guys pants fit, stuff like that, but perfect looks usually turn me off. It's usually something about a guys personality that eventually gets me.
After a little driving around, we found another beach, unfortunately my legs were giving out, but we made it to these cool kites that Bart wanted to take pictures of. I forgot to mention that at the last beach and this one, Bart was wearing this skimpy bathing suit. It didn't bother me, but that might have been due to this damn mood I'm in still.
Well when we got to the kites, Bart told me that there was a guy behind us that was the "Perfect Guy" to him. I glanced back at him. He was kinda cute, looked like he was off of Baywatch or something, red shorts, tan and everything. Not my type at all.
After that, we were off to find Pizza for dinner. We went to a place I hadn't been to before, and while we were waiting for our dinner and trying to stay awake, I saw someone who was my type. I didn't tell Bart thought cause, well, the guys wife and kid were sitting behind Bart. He was cute though. Kinda nerdy, hair wasn't perfect. But there was something about him.
After dinner, we tried to load the pics from his camera to the laptop then to my computer, but Bart got to fooling around and took a picture of my grandma and the camera went dead. Grandma broke the camera! *giggle* She still thinks she did too. *LOL* So in other words, no pics from this trip. :(
So after that, we wen to his room to watch "More Tales of the City". Bart laid his head on the pillow on my lap and before long he was asleep, and so was my leg. After the show was over, I went home to bed. The walk up from Bart's room was excruciating. My legs were so sore!
The 9th - Departures
Again, my uncle got up at 8:30 or so and was loud. What a rude jerk. I stayed in bed till 9:30 then ate breakfast and went to Bart's. He was naked when I got there, but put on some shorts when I got there. After about a half hour, he was all packed and then there was a knock on the door. It was my mother. She had just dropped off some clams for my grandma and saw my car parked outside the spare room that Bart was staying in so she decided to get introduced. After a brief introduction she left.
One of the things that Bart wanted to do last time but didn't get to was the Fudge shop up the road, so after he was all packed, we headed off to that and then back to his place. We hugged and he left.
I went home and took a short bath to soak my legs then after almost falling asleep in the tub I went back to bed till almost time to got to work.
When I got up, Grandma wanted to know where the key to the room was so she could return it. Well I had left it on her place mat in the table when I went to bed. After a little looking, she found it in her purse where she had mistaken it for her house key.
After work, S worked on my back which was very tense. After a good hour of her digging into my muscles, I stood up and my legs were almost back to normal! She definitely has a healing touch.
And that was the weekend. Now for a quiet week, I hope cause the week after includes a trip to California!